Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Visit me at Poppytalk Handmade

Hi folks. I hope you had a great weekend. I'll be over at Poppytalk Handmade now through January 17th. I've got loads of new goodies in store for the occasion. Can't wait to show you what I've been working on!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Three Red Apples

I'm loving the new Activity Feed feature on Etsy. I've found so many gorgeous things through other people's finds lately. Kind of feels like cheating since I didn't find them myself. But gorgeous, nonetheless.
I bring you my newest favorite shop: Three Red Apples.

It's a small world

Off to see the world

Woodland floor

Hexagons pillow
 Have a great day. Lots of holiday preparations ahead. How 'bout you?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gift Guide: Everyday Jewelry

If my Christmas had a theme, this year would be practicality. I'm sick of the excess that comes with the season. Sick of wading through mounds of toys and trinkets all year long that we'll never use. We've streamlined our gift-giving this year...only the practical, useful, needed things that our loved ones will enjoy again and again.

On that note, jewelry always makes a great gift. But why not give gorgeous jewelry that can be worn everyday? Here are a few of my top picks:

1. Sterling Silver Hoops
2. Bird Cutout Charm Pendant Necklace
3. Single Wrap Leather Bracelet {my friend, Erin, gave me one of these for my birthday and I seriously wear it every day. I promise, you can't go wrong with this one}
4. Horseshoe Necklace
5. Stackable Rings
6. Garden Ring

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Finally Fall

Our leaves finally fell off the trees. We've been waiting months for this moment.
Currently, I'm cooped up in the house with two croupy kids. I hope my remedy of plenty of hugs and popsicles, set to the tune of the humidifier works wonders for them.

On another note, for my birthday last month, I decided to start a 365 project. I wanted something that would push me creatively. I was hoping for a gentle nudge to expand my creativity; but what I got was a shove right out of my comfort zone. I felt creatively paralyzed for a while there. I think I've recovered, thanks to some sage advice from my friend Katherine. You can follow my project (and my uncomfortable attempt at photography) here.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Friday

I just couldn't resist sharing this photo I took of Charlotte this morning. She explores my closet each morning when I'm getting dressed. Today she emerged with some treasures. Have a great weekend.

Gift Guides: Warmest Wishes

I don't know anybody who can resist a warm, cozy gift. (So actually, I don't know that many people...but the ones I do know like to be warm). Even an apple is so much cuter when it's all bundled up. So here's a warm, snuggly gift guide for everyone in the family:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tea Collection: Private Sale!

Just popping in with some exciting news! Tea Collection is having a limited-time Private Sale on their past collections. It's pretty much like outlet prices (up to 70% off!) on the cutest kids' clothes around. So pop on over and check it out. Happy Shopping!

Christmas Paper Crafts

I'm dying over these cute little holiday printables from Fantastic Toys:

Peppermint Gingerbread Cottage
Sweet Treats Gingerbread Train
They're under $4 each; and you can print them out year after year. Perfect activity for those rainy Sunday afternoons.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gift Guides: Crafty Kids

Some of my favorite gifts to give children are craft-related. Give them something they can do with mom or dad on those cold winter days that lie ahead. And really, who can resist the smell of a fresh box of crayons?

Kits and machines:

And now, some crafty stocking-stuffers for those little mongrels:
5. Jumbo Paint Brush Set

I still remember the first time I unwrapped a box of new Mr. Sketch markers. Pure bliss. And I would have gone bonkers over those dabber dots as a kid. (Confession: if Santa brought those to our house, Hudson might have a hard time getting them away from me).

Monday, December 6, 2010

2011 Printable Calendars

On the last day of preschool before Christmas, we arrived early--Hudson proudly carrying a gift for his teacher: a plate of cookies and a calendar we'd printed at home. His teacher seemed genuinely delighted with the calendar. I didn't understand her delight until I watched every single student walk in with a plate of cookies for the teacher.

A printable calendar is one of my favorite holiday shortcuts. Buy it once, print as many as you need. They're perfect for teachers, friends, co-workers...everyone. Here's my round-up of the best printable calendars this year:

from Mufn Inc.

from Twisted Fibre

from yaelfran

lemonade paperie

Lisa Samartino Atlier

blue tricycle

And in case you were wondering...we'll still be taking cookies with our calendar this year. :) You just can't mess with tradition.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lucky Kids

Katherine surprised me this week by sending the most darling stationery sets for my kids. Not only was Hudson delighted to see his name on the box, but his name on a stamp just about put him over the moon. He is so proud of his special stamp. Just the motivation he needed to write more notes to his grandparents.

Katherine's creativity and imagination are astounding. When I'm creatively stuck, the first person I turn to is Katherine. You can see why, right? It goes without saying that I feel beyond lucky to have her as a friend.

{Side note: last Sunday at church, I taught a lesson on service. I mentioned that I feel happy when people do nice things for my kids. I compared it to how our Heavenly Father must feel when we do kind things for His children. I will always remember the joy I felt watching the delight on Hudson's face when he opened that package}. Thank you, my dear friend.

P.S. I'm totally going to be using this idea in the future. Aren't you?
P.P.S. Photos copyright Katherine Marie Photography. Please don't use them without her permission.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gift Guides: For the Cook

I'm so excited to present my first installment in this year's gift guides. Today's guide features pretty things for the cook. Sometimes, when I get kitchen-related gifts I feel a little ripped off. (Oh! New pots and pans just for me? Either I'm the only one who likes my food cooked, or you're giving me work disguised as a gift). Guaranteed, these gifts won't get that reaction.

Here are the details:
1. Ceramic Countertop Compost Container I'm always throwing my compostables in a big bowl. Wouldn't it be so much more pretty to have an actual container for them?

2. Kitchen Kin Workspace Saver Help her protect that countertop in style.

3. Frukost Dishtowel, Flatware    I don't know a cook out there who doesn't like a pretty tea towel.

4. Recipe Box    Sweet and tough. Just how a recipe file should be.

5. Personalized Stamp    Make sure she gets proper credit for all the tasty treats sent out of her kitchen.

6. PS Kitchen Gadgets Recipe Cards Cute recipe cards. Need I say more?

7. Dessert Dishes at UncommonGoods Brighten her day with some colorful dishes.