Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Notes

Some love notes to my favorite people in the whole world:  
Nolan: My littlest valentine. You are the missing piece of the puzzle. Every time I look at you I feel like my heart has missed you for years, but I didn't realize it until now. You've only been with us for three weeks, but I feel like we've known you forever. You love your cozy blanket, and you are so patient when your older siblings smother you with kisses and attention. I love cuddling with you and watching you grow and change every day. Just don't grow up too quick.

Charlotte: My Princerina. You are strong and independent. You keep me on my toes, and constantly put me in my place. I love that you're not afraid to say what you think, and you won't let anyone push you around. I hope you will always be as sassy and spunky as you are now. You are tough, and I have no doubt that you'll easily be able to handle growing up with two brothers. I love to hear you sing and watch you dance. I love the way your imagination works, and the mischievous twinkle in your eyes.

Hudson: My Buddy. You've been my little sidekick for six years now. You are so sweet, kind and thoughtful. You are confident and self-assured. You know who you are and I love that about you. You're very independent and you know how to get what you want. You have me wrapped around your little finger and you know it. You're smart, energetic and fun to be around. I love watching you at school--you make friends so easily, and you make sure nobody is left out. I love the little notes and pictures you draw for me, and I love what a great big brother you are.

Daddy: This is the eleventh Valentine's Day we've celebrated together. We've had lots of great times, and a few bumps in the road as well. Our friendship feels so genuine and comfortable and simple right now. It's perfect. I love how kind and thoughtful you are. I love how patient you are with me and the kids. I love how fun and energetic you are. I love your sense of humor.

I secretly watched you with Nolan the other night. You were getting him ready for the bath, and you just sat near him and watched him for a while. It was a really sweet moment. Then I noticed the holes in your jeans and laughed. As long as I've known you, you've always had holes in your jeans. I hope you always will. I think it's cute. I could try to tell you how much I love you, but I don't want to embarrass either of us. So just know that I like you a lot. (And you know I don't like too many people these days). I love you, obviously. But I don't throw that "like" word around very often. :) So that's something special right there.

Happy Valentine's Day!


amoryg said...

I love this. What a great idea. Happy Valentine's Day to your beautiful family!

Km said...

Awwwww... I adore your heartfelt love notes!!! Your kids are so blessed to have you as their mama.