Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy February

Before Nolan was born, I got the "big kids" each a mini mailbox from the dollar section at Target. They get so excited for their daily mail delivery. These secret message valentines were a huge hit...and they provided a fun after school activity. We'll probably have to do a variation of these for every holiday.

To make them, simply cut hearts out of white paper, write a secret message in white crayon (press hard, so it shows up well). Then have the kids use watercolor paints on the hearts and their secret messages will appear before their eyes.

UPDATE: I actually used this project for a classroom Valentine's Day party. I sent home a kit for each parent containing one heart, a white crayon and a letter explaining the project. Each parent wrote a message for their son/daughter and sent it back in the envelope I provided. The day of the party, the kids came around to the art station and had a special love note from home. It took a little extra effort to coordinate the project, but it was well worth the efforts. The kids loved it!

{secret message valentine idea from bhg, via pinterest}


Katherinemarie said...

Love love love! This has been on my to do list forever now.... Gotta get to it! Isn't it wonderful how the simplest things bring our kids so much joy!!!!! They teaches so much don't they?!

Interior Ideas said...

Family members should be involved in preparing Valentines, that is, the children. Kids should know about love and how to give it.