{originally posted 10.11.2008. For more about Greatest Hits, click here}.
We thought we'd partake in the local Halloween festivities by visiting the nearby pumpkin patch yesterday. Hudson had a great time riding in the wagon, rearranging the pumpkins, and picking out his perfect, just-the-right-size "punkin."

Hudson wanted to jump in the bounce house, but when he got in there, he claimed it was "too windy." So he said he'd much rather try the big slide. B accompanied him to the top, but much to my surprise, sent the ol' chap down by himself.

The first picture is B dropping my only child down the so-called Super Slide. The second is Hudson desperately fighting for his survival. Good thing I was at the bottom to catch the sobbing heap of child. Needless to say, I think we've probably created a phobia of slides. Perhaps we (i.e., Daddy) should seek out more age-appropriate activities for our progeny.
Happy Almost Halloween!
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