I know some of you have been wanting more details on how Charlotte entered this world. So for those of you who want the labor story, here it is.
I woke up Halloween morning feeling more uncomfortable than usual, but being three days away from my scheduled induction I just brushed it off. Hudson had been so excited for Halloween that I didn't want to disrupt the fun by running off to the hospital until I was completely sure. This is how we spent the day:
While I moved into the labor & delivery room, B took Hudson downstairs to get him all ready to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's. While I waited for B to return, my labor really took off. I went from a 3 to a 5 in the time he was gone. Then it was time to discuss my options: 1) get an epidural, then break my water or 2) break my water and see what happens. This is where I found myself in a predicament. My labor with Hudson was so fast that I didn't have time for an epidural. I knew that if I told them to break my water there'd be no going back. This time, it was more scary for me because I knew exactly what was coming...especially if I went without the epidural. I seriously considered getting the epidural this time, but at the last minute I said, "Fine. Just break my water."
The midwife broke my water at exactly 10 pm. The minute my water's broken, the contractions get stronger and more intense. I was still fine for another 15-20 minutes...but definitely more uncomfortable. Then comes the transition phase. The fear is almost paralyzing for me. I get so scared that I'm not going to be able to do it. I know exactly what's coming and I know there's nothing I can do to stop it. Before I knew it, it was time to start pushing. There was one point when I made eye contact with B. He looked at me and said, "You're doing great." And I believed him. I pushed through five contractions and Charlotte was here. Everything went so perfectly.
The one recurring theme throughout my wait for Charlotte is patience. I waited for Charlotte for nearly two years. I had to learn patience when things didn't go exactly my way again and again. At the time it was hard, but now I realize I'd do it all over again just to have her here. And now as I'm adjusting to new motherhood all over again, I need to remember to have patience with myself. It's OK if my house isn't immaculate all the time. It's OK if Hudson has to watch a little extra TV now and then. It's OK to make dinner out of a box every once in a while. It's all part of the blessing; and I'm here enjoying each little moment.
Wow. What a dream delivery. Hard, but a dream. I hope your recovery/transition was just as quick. She looks like a dream too. Hope you're all well.
I'm so glad you all are healthy and happy! Great costume for Hudson!
Sounds like a wonderful delivery, and Hudson even got to do all of his Halloween stuff. Sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders as well, I agree that all of those things are ok, especially because it'll keep you sane. :)
What an amazing story... such a miracle in every way shape and form! Can't wait to see more of this little DREAM-COME-TURE. :)
Wow..what a beautiful story..congrats to your family!
i would love to be a mom one day. but the whole pregnancy/giving birth part just scares me to the very core!!
but i'm glad everything went so quick and good for Charlotte!
happy weekend!
sounds perfect (except the no epidural part) ;) I hope you give yourself a break more often. It is a lot of work to manage a newborn and a high energy little boy. It'll get better soon.
What a great story of Charlotte's birth... I had to wait much longer than I wanted to with my Kate. I think it makes you appreciate it even more... sounds like you are already doing that!
amazing. i'm really glad the labor went quicky and charlotte is absolutely beautiful (that picture is too cute!) you ARE doing great- you're certainly inspiring to me.
You have me in tears over here. Your last thoughts are absolutely perfect and beautiful and true. Congratulations to you and your family. Sounds like Charlotte is one blessed baby!
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