Thursday, June 18, 2009


Have you noticed my lack of personality lately? I don't remember where I had it last. I could have left it in a restaurant somewhere. Or accidentally dropped it in the gutter--like my engagement ring (true story. Don't worry, I found it). I'm really starting to bore myself; so that can't possibly be a good thing for anyone who actually reads my blog.

How can you help, you ask? Please remain vigilant. It could be out there anywhere. It's bound to turn up somewhere. And we'll all benefit from it's safe return. Good luck in your search. Keep me posted on your progress.


Christina said...

oh no, don't worry your personality is still here and it's wonderful. don't be hard on yourself, we all have uninspiring moments...

Emily Reese said...

go shopping!

Anonymous said...

That's pregnancy for you. Really effects everything from our hair to our feet and everything in between.

No worries, you are still you! xo Rachel