Admit it, you want one, too. And today's your lucky day. One reader will win the entire collection pictured above (a $60 value). It includes everything you need to make and store a week's worth of baby food in under 5 minutes. Hudson's favorite detail is the date-dial on the storage cups. No joke. My favorite part? The whole system makes the process seem less intimidating and messy, and even a little bit fun, too.
So how do you win? Easy. You get one entry for each of the following:
- Leave a comment on this post. Simple as that.
- You get an extra entry for following my blog--because I like to play favorites. ;)
- Like my page on Facebook
- Like Baby Bullet on Facebook
- You also get an extra entry for each time you spread the word about the giveaway. (Twitter, Facebook, google+, etc.)
Just make sure to leave a separate comment for every entry.
Don't have a baby around the house? Enter'd make a fantastic baby shower gift. Or you could just give it to me. I wouldn't say no.
This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for entering! I'll announce the winner shortly.

1 – 200 of 490 Newer› Newest»Great idea! Just saw this at a baby shower :)
What fun! I'd love one of these :)
I'm a follower!
I'd love to win! We're having baby #3 in July and have always wanted to make my own baby food!
Liked your page on Facebook too!
My coworker showed me this infomercial. What a wonderful little system.
Maybe by entering for this I will actually have the baby NOW! Maybe by winning it, I will actually attempt to make baby food!
I liked your fb page also.
I would love this! We have been wanting to get one for a while.
I'd love a baby bullet :)
I want one!!!! :) :)
I liked your Facebook page and baby bullets!
What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win
would love to win since my baby turns 6 months in a few days and will I would love to make her baby food!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
id love this. im pregnant with my first and would love to make his/her food!
and of course i am a follower :)
I'd love to win!
family74014 at gmail dot com
I like your fb page
family74014 at gmail dot com
I like baby bullet on fb
family74014 at gmail dot com
I follow via gfc
family74014 at gmail dot com
I'd love to have a baby bullet when Riley starts eating in a couple of months.
I liked baby bullets fb page.
I've liked your fb page.
I would love this.
Oooo, I am fascinated by the baby bullet!
Aren't these the cutest?? I'd love to win these. Thanks for the chance!
Blog follower
your FB liker :-)
Baby bullet liker!
Would love to win this! Thanks for the chance.
I follow your blog as sweetmelbelle31
I follow you on Facebook. I'm Melissa Belle there.
I liked Baby Bullet on Facebook. I'm Melissa Belle there.
Spread the word on Facebook by liking this post. I'm Melissa Belle.
I already make my daughter's baby food, so I would give this to one of many ladies I know who are expecting.
Would love a baby bullet! Thanks for the opportunity!
Would love a baby bullet!
mahgwi21 at yahoo
Would love to win, I have a little baby boy who is almost 5 months old!
I like baby bullet on FB!
Need the baby bullet!
What a great giveaway!
I would love a Baby Bullet! * fingers crossed *
Following your blog!
Liked your page on Facebook! (Shannon Arritola Eldridge)
Liked Baby Bullet on Facebook! (Shannon Arritola Eldridge)
Spread the word on Twitter! @Shananigans46
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Spread the word on Facebook! (Shannon Arritola Eldridge)
Love it! Want it!
Followed your blog.
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Spread the word on Pinterest! (Shannon Eldridge)
I have a 4 month old son and this would be perfect to use when he start eating solid foods soon.I don't however have any tweeter or facebook account..oh well :( i still want to leave a message though:)
Spread the word via email to multiple people! (If that counts, too?!) ;)
Liked you on FB and Twitter.
Tweeted about giveaway. Esible at for zerodoll.
Thanks for the giveaway, I would love to make my own baby food for hte next baby
This looks like fun! Would love to win one.
Liked the baby bullet page on FB too!
Oh gosh, I would LOVE this.
This is too funny- my daughters (age 5 and 3) did the SAME thing when I was pregnant. Baby brother will be ready for foods in 2 months now, and we need this like nothing else!
my little 5-month old will be starting solids before I know it. Looks like a fantastic setup!
I'm a new follower! Thanks for the giveaway!
I like you on FB.
I like Baby Bullet on FB.
Expecting in August :)
I'm a follower (now :))!
Like Baby Bullet on FB!
I have been wanting one of these. ThAnks for the chance at winning.
what a great giveaway, so need this, thanks!
i follow via GFC
i like your page on FB
i like baby bullet on FB
I'd LOVE one of these! Trying to be healthier and this would def help as I would know exactly what's going into my baby's food! Awesome! Thanks for the opportunity!
Liked your page on FB
Liked Baby bullet of FB
I'd love one of these!
This looks so easy to use.
Thanks for the chance.
Oh we would love to have one! Our sweet boy is 5 months old and getting ready to eat =)
I would LOVE to have this for my daughter and all of my future children:)))
Want one of these so bad! Food allergies run in our family big time and my older son has them, so we're wanting to make our own food this time with the new baby so we can be in control of the allergies. Liking your facebook page and Baby Bullet as well :)
the baby bullet looks very helpful
Would Love to win, I always wanted a baby bullet!
shared. both of my kids are having babies. could really use this. thanks
Oh this would be wonderful! Thank you for the give away!
Liked you on facebook
As well as pinterest :)
I would absolutely LOVE this product!! :)
blog follower!
Liked you on Facebook
I so would love a Baby Bullet! i love these!
great idea good luck everyone!!
i just found out i was pregnant. i would love to win this.
This would be AWESOME!
Following your Blog
is that a veggie steamer!
"liked" on facebook
I already Like Baby Bullet on FB
"liked" you on facebook
"liked" baby bullet on FB
"liked" baby bullet on facebook
I became a Grandmother for the first time 9 mos ago and I bought the Baby bullet for my daughter, who loves it. Her child , Troy, always smiles at the happy face on the jars. I have been Blessed once again with another Grandson 3 weeks ago, and would love to pass this one on to them or even keep it at my house when they come and visit. I think it is AMAZING..
Shared your link on facebook as well, its obvious I really want this!! lol
I like you on facebook. (:
Shared on Facebook!
I'd love this!
i have also shared the link and commented and liked both facebook sites.
I like baby bullet on facebook. (:
I would LOVE to win this for my baby sister! She is due in 9 weeks && this would be PERFECT for her babyshower! We have always made our own baby food.. with a HANDMILL LOL!!! this would make it WAY easier!!
amgeetsyew at yahoo . com
I'm following you! (:
Aww love this hope I can win ... My baby's due in may !!!!
Shared the contest on facebook!
Started making my own baby food with number 3 and with baby 4 on the way this would be so awesome!!!!!
We would love to win this :)
I would LOVE to win a baby bullet for the daughter coming in August:)
This looks like it would be a huge help in making baby's food!
I shared the giveaway on FB
Shared via twitter <3
I liked baby bullet on facebook as well. Thanks for this oppotunity :)
I kno i wont win this but u r amazing for doin this, im havin my first baby soon, an b4 i even wanted one i thought this was amazing...thank you for givin someone this awesome gift :)
liked your fb page
Shared on FB!
like babybullets fb page
I would absolutely love this we are about to start giving my daughter solids (:
What fun!! I would love a chance to win, definitely a follower
I'm following you on FB
I NEED to win this!!!
also favoured you on etsy !!
Liked you on facebook!
I would love to win this!!!
Liked Baby Bullet on facebook!
yay!!!!!!!!!!! Home made babyfood is soo much better!
i liked baby bullet on fb
I liked your Fb page =)
Amgeetsyew at yahoo . com
I`m expecting my first in August! So many people have recommended this to me! Saves so much money!Hope I win!
I like Baby Bullet on FB!
I follow your blog!
My best friend has one ans he loves it and now I want one!
I liked babybullet FB page =)
Amgeetsyew at yahoo . com
Would love to get this for my niece!
liked on facebook
Just shared this on my FB wall! Maybe a friend will win it!
like babybullett too
I liked your page on facebook! I already had the baby bullet facebook page liked! To be fair I didn't know you were here. :(
and following :) yay!!
Shared on google +
I just starting seeing commercials for this. I'm not a parent yet but this is a wonderful idea to allow me to use my fresh fruits and vegetables from my garden.
i liked your paged on fb
I would love to have a baby bullet. My son goes through 279 jars of baby food per month, WOW thats a lot. We have been discussing buying one, but haven't found the extra money in our tight budget to buy one. Thank you for considering me in the running. & good luck to everyone.
liked your page on facebook
i liked baby bullet on fb
My daughter would love this, she's expecting in a few months!
already liked baby bullet on facebook
My son is 2 months old, and we want a baby bullet so badly for when he starts eating baby food! :)
like you on FB.
I would love a baby bullett!!!! I have been looking at them!
like Baby Bullet on FB.
Hey, great contest, doing all!
liked your blog
I love the baby bullet! Always wanted one! Hope I win!
Totally pinned this giveaway!
Just tweeted about this!/EVIEJMAC01
shared on facebook
shared on twitter
I would love to have a baby bullet b/c I hate spending so much on Gerber baby food. I buy the Organic kind but I would love to what this awesome product. Then I'd know exactly what is going into his food!!
They are so cute!!!
Just shared this with my friends on Google+
I want one of these so much!
Would LOVE this!!
Follow Baby Bullet! That's how I found this!
Follow you on Facebook.
I love my baby bullet so much and use it for other people as well that mine has been used to almost its last use. Could really use another one it would be great
Re-tweeted Baby Bullet's tweet about this giveaway!/thebabybullet/status/192685109697196034
I want one of these so badly! Expecting our first in September! Following your blog.
I want one so bad!!!
I shared on FB =)
Liked you on Facebook!
Made my own tweet as well!/vivpwnz/status/192692141900840961
Liked Baby Bullet on facebook!
I'd love to win. It would be so much easier making my daughter's food. :)
Sharing on Facebook!
I'm a follower!
I will like to win the baby bullet
I liked your page on Facebook.
I also liked baby bullet of Facebook!
Amazing giveaway! Hope to win it! I want one so bad! :)
I follow your blog :)
I follow your facebook, my name is Juanita Alice Raus :)
I would love to win this product!
ive always wanted a baby bullet my friend has one and she says it works great and my husband and i love to save money and make our food for our son and im starting to do it again with our daughter and a baby bullet would make it sooo much easier :)
Shared on twitter!/AmgEetsYew/status/192692947639209984
im ready to win
Baby is now 3 mos..would LOVE this..will need it soon!
I have an 8 week old baby and really want to make my own baby food this time around. The Baby Bullet would make it so much easier!
Liked on facebook!
I am a fan of baby bullet on FB. Amy Mullenhoff Poore
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