Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Counting Caterpillar

Charlotte wants to introduce you to her friend, the Counting Caterpillar. If you missed this easy activity a  while back on good tots, it's fresh today over at Honest to Nod.

P.S. I got this idea from my dear friend Addi, way back when Hudson was a toddler. Thanks, Addi!



PS~Erin said...

So cute! And those pigtails are even cuter!!

PhotoPuddle said...

Never mind the caterpillar... how cute are those pigtails!!!

Addi said...

You are so nice. But seriously...your caterpillar makes mine look so sad.

You are a good friend.

km said...

I'm with PHOTOPUDDLE... those PIGGIES are sooooo adorable! The caterpillar is pretty darn cute too!