Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm so excited about tomorrow's Season 6 premier of So You Think You Can Dance.
Dance has a way of touching my soul that no other art form does. And it seems like I miss dancing the very most when I'm pregnant. Probably because I would look (and feel) utterly ridiculous hoisting this massive bowling ball belly around with me. So I'll just sit on the couch while this bowling ball continues to grow. But at least I'll have some good choreography to watch while I'm at it.

Every season, there's at least one piece that stays with me. I'm not usually one to post videos on my blog...but this piece by the brilliant Mia Michaels, has been haunting me for the last month or so. Perfect song choice, ingenious choreography, and impeccably performed. Enjoy!

So tell me, what fall premier are you looking forward to the most?


off switch said...

great video... and i really like the new blog banner! :)

PS~Erin said...

I would so be watching this, but we're still w/o cable service. It's probably a good thing, but the fall line up has me missing it big time. Our faves are Survivor, Project Runway, and So You Think You Can Dance.... I'm a sucker for reality tv!

Rachel Follett said...

Pretty amazing and weird but in a cool way. :) I hardly ever watch TV but I have been watching new Mad Men and I really cant wait for Lost Season 6.

Christina said...

watching a good dance routine always makes me feel emotional, what's up with that?! loved this video.