Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So Little Time...

So many projects, so little time. I'm feeling a little bit crazy today over the amount of projects I've taken on recently. Seriously, the last couple months I swear there are fewer and fewer hours in a day. I'm working and working but my to-do list keeps getting longer and longer. So today's the day; I'm tackling that list. I hope I at least make a dent in it. Wish me luck!

In case youre curious, here's the first part of my list:
1. Email proof to client
2. Pick up more paper
3. Print & cut 600 favor tags
4. Print & cut 100 more
5. Design water bottle labels, napkins, and more favor tags
6. Design & print place cards
7. Print thank you notes
8. Oh, and don't forget Mr. H. He needs to be clothed, fed, and entertained today, too.

And those are just the immediate things on my list. More weddings in the future, and plenty of neglected housework should be on that list as well. Have a great day!

What's on your to-do list today?

{photo here, via here}


Christina said...

cleaning is on my to do list! i have neglected it too long, ugh.

Lisa's Yarns said...

Top thing on my to do list is to write a letter to NWA. They lost my luggage last week when I went to NYC! It ended up in Mexico City, of all places, and it took them 5 days to get it back to me... :( I'm praying that they'll reimburse me for the clothes I had to buy since I had nothing w/ me & was in NYC for 5 days... Wish me luck!

Katherine Marie! said...

WOW--- talk about a list!!! I know EXACTLY what you mean. I've been up since 4:45AM and I've only check off two from my (very very very long) TO DO!!! Yikees. :)

If you'd like to add one more to your list--- would you please post photos of your favors that you are creating??? :):):)

Miss | A said...

girl, i totally feel your pain! xo

Parsing Nonsense said...

Ooh, fun! I can't wait to see what the water bottle labels you design will look like! If you're looking for a great place to get those printed, I really recommend Bottle Your Brand. Their prices are great and the labels print perfectly and are waterproof and self-adhesive. Good luck breaking down that to do list!