Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bicycle + Umbrella

I just started reading the first book in The Raj Quartet. I discovered it via Anne's blog, through a guest post done by Stephanie from Even Cleveland. I'm still at the beginning of the book, but last night I read how one of the characters rides her bicycle to church each week. And if it's raining, she simply holds her umbrella while she's cycling. I just haven't been able to get that image out of my head...someone perched upon a bicycle with an open umbrella. Umbrellas and bicycles are two of my favorite things to see in photos, but until now, I've never thought to combine the two. I think it's charming and romantic, but if I tried it I'm sure it would be more on the awkward and ungraceful side. Perhaps it's just best for me to admire these super-cool and super-coordinated people from a distance.

Photo Credits: 1. 2. pasotraspaso 3. isado 4. SweRon

If you're still not convinced, I've saved the best for last: ms_air and Amiest. But you'll have to click to make that judgement for yourself. Have a Happy Wednesday!


Miss | A said...

ahhh..........lovely images.. to be riding.. in the rain!

Blair Friedeman said...

Definitely looks much more enjoyable than riding bikes in the snow!:) Very pretty picture--something very romantic about them.

Christina said...

for me, riding a bike is hard enough. holding an umbrella would surely end in a bloody catastrophe! great images.

Unknown said...

How DO they do it? I have no doubt I would somehow drop the umbrella and get it caught in my spokes only to tumble head over heels. Love the last 2 photos--just gorgeous!

Zoƫ Yule said...

An almost daily sight here in Amsterdam, and still never ceases to amaze me. I either fall off or get blown off!

Jennifer DeDonato said...

Those images are the best...I love the first one of him.