Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Is it July yet?

The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. Mainly because it's a huge deal in my hometown. And in the last few years, it's the only guaranteed holiday we get to spend with my side of the family. So I'm looking for a few new (simple) ways to make our celebration even more spectacular this year. Of course, Martha was my first stop. I think H and I will try both of these projects in the next couple days.

Drink Parasols

So what are you doing to make your holiday extra-special this year?

Photos and craft ideas via Martha Stewart.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ice Cream, Anyone?

And speaking of dishes, just ask me how badly I want these ice cream bowls.
Ice cream and fresh fruit on the patio is the perfect ending to the day, no?

A Festive Table

When it comes to dinnerware, I think there's no better investment than a sassy little red + white combo. Think about it: Put 'em with roses for Valentine's Day, bright blue napkins for the 4th of July, and shades of green for Christmas. Not to mention they're just so darn cute for everyday.

P.S. Both of these are cute and affordable. Thanks, Target!
Top: Ring Dinnerware; Bottom: Medallion Dinnerware

Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Friday

I hope your weekend is filled with all sorts of pretty things.

P.S. Isnt' this photo just about the most perfect thing ever? Cupcakes and shoes??? Be still, my heart.

{photo from here, via stephanie said it}

Window Seats

I guess all that time spent worrying about combining my kids' rooms was for nothing. We found the perfect home for our growing family...and we'll be moving in within the next month! Hooray. The best part is that both kids will have their own room, complete with a window seat! I think I may be living one of my childhood dreams vicariously through them. I always wanted a window seat...so I might spend more time sitting there than they will. But my mind's all a flurry with how to decorate.

{from Better Homes & Gardens}

{source: unknown}

{from Austrailian Home Beautiful, via simply natural}
The best thing about this room, is that it gives me the perfect reason to buy that amazing hot air balloon replica that I found last time I was in Carmel.

{from houzz}

So tell me one thing, was I the only one with childhood window seat fantasies?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Misha of New York

I was dashing through the mall the other night, when something stopped me dead in my tracks. The culprit, Misha of New York:
I love the delicate, modern settings paired with natural, pretty stones.
Add these to my wishlist, please.
And have a beautiful Thursday!

{photos via stylism}

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Whether it's natural or freshly painted, exposed brick makes my heart skip a beat.

What do you think, are you an exposed brick kind of person, or not?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More Elle Moss

Yesterday's post on self-portrait artists reminded me of my all-time favorite: Elle Moss. I posted about her Etsy Shop quite a while back. But last night, I got sucked into her photostream, and I just couldn't tear myself away. Then I found her blog. Then her other blog. It really doesn't get better than this.

Elle, if you're reading, (and I don't know why you would be!!!) I have two questions for you: 1. How do you do it? and 2. Can we be friends?

Hope you all have a great Tuesday. The guys and I are headed for the airport, and will land this afternoon in Utah for a little visit with my folks, and a fishing trip in the mountains. Probably my last visit home until after the baby comes.

{Photo: Doppleganger 5...buy it here}

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Art of Self-Portrait

I've always been enamored with the work of various self-portrait artists on flickr. I love to see what they come up with. Here are a few recent favorites:

{riot jane}

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever taken a self-portrait. I don't think I'm brave enough. But I sure like admiring the work of others. Their creativity is so inspiring.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Have a Good One

What are your weekend plans? I'll be out searching for my lost personality (see post below). While I'm gone, here are some stellar blogs to check out if you're not familiar with them all ready.

{photo from living etc}

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Have you noticed my lack of personality lately? I don't remember where I had it last. I could have left it in a restaurant somewhere. Or accidentally dropped it in the gutter--like my engagement ring (true story. Don't worry, I found it). I'm really starting to bore myself; so that can't possibly be a good thing for anyone who actually reads my blog.

How can you help, you ask? Please remain vigilant. It could be out there anywhere. It's bound to turn up somewhere. And we'll all benefit from it's safe return. Good luck in your search. Keep me posted on your progress.

The 3/50 Project

I grew up in an independent business-owning family. My parents still have their business today. So it's pretty obvious that independent business has a special place in my heart. I try to shop local and independent as much as possible, because I have seen firsthand the difference it can make to families and to communities.

That being said, I had a few free moments the other night, when I stumbled upon the darling blog wunderbug. The post on the screen was this one, about the 3/50 project. The project was founded by Cinda Baxter, and it's really so simple. You'll have to check out her site for all the details. Basically, if we pick our three favorite independent retailers and spend fifty dollars per month, it really adds up. I can attest to that from experience.

Seriously, I've never been so excited to spend money in my life! Go now, read the information, and pledge your support.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Labels, Buttons, and Scrap Paper

What do lables, buttons, and scrap paper have in common? Not much, really. Except that they're the main ingredients in three easy summer projects I have lined up for myself. I'll post some pictures when the projects are done, but don't hold your breath. I've placed a firm project restriction on myself. I cannot start any new projects until my current (unfinished) projects are completed. How responsible of me, right? So for now, I'm just going to keep track of my little project wishlist here.

Vintage Label Magnets:

I'm going to get an assortment of vintage labels (such as these), stick them onto an adhesive magnet sheet, and spiff up my fridge.

Beaded Napkin Rings:
I'm thinking I'll grab a bunch of colorful vintage buttons and wrap them around a simple metal ring. Something fun and dangly, along these lines, but with buttons instead of beads.

Recycled Notebooks:
I've been meaning to make these for a year or more now...ever since I saw this particular Martha epsiode. They'd be perfect to keep near the phone, or in your handbag.

Do you have any summer projects lined up for yourself? If so, I'd love to see photos when you're all done. Hint, hint. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Just a few things I can't stop thinking about lately:

This pillow may just have to find its way onto my couch.
It reminds me of this piece that Nichole just added to her office.

I'm a total sucker for number prints. This one is no exception.

These handmade votive holders are so delicate and pretty.
Wouldn't they be amazing for a bridal shower?

Anne introduced me to this etsy vendor a while back.
I desperately need one of these rings.

And just in time for Father's Day, isn't this typeface just too cute?

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Backup Plan

I make things out of paper. That's what I do. And I do have a few ideas in mind for a baby announcement. But I also believe in having a backup plan. What do you think?

I love the idea of a sibling announcement. Plus, you get to choose the envelope liners. {You know how I'm a huge sucker for details}.

This one is so girly and bright.

So sweet. So simple. So irresistable.

{or simply click on the photos to go directly to their listing}.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Happy Anniversary, My Love.
It's been a fun seven years.
{photo here}

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Friday!

I hope you have a fun weekend!
{photo from Porro}


I'm currently reeling over these alphabet drawers from UK-based Kent and London. Aren't they amazing? This may be the most perfect piece of furniture I've ever seen.

{images via Kent and London}

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pretty, Pretty Peonies

Someday, when I have a home and yard of my own, the first thing I'll plant are pink peonies. I can't wait to cut bouquets to grace the dining table. Until then, please pardon me while I endulge in a little peony-envy.

{via van swearingen}

Aren't they just the most perfectly pink, frilly things you've ever seen? I can't wait to have my own someday.

Reading is Cool

If I could pass one thing onto my children, it would be my love of reading. I want these prints (from a long-time favorite shop, Dazey Chic) to hang over a bookcase in their room. That'll help them get the hint, right?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More Chalkboards

I think I had a little too much fun with yesterday's chalkboard post...this is the last one, I promise. (At least for a while. Wink, wink). Just in case you're not feeling particularly inclined for a little diy summer project, here are some lovely chalkboard finds from etsy. Simply buy them and enjoy.

So sweet and simple. I really, really need this.

Hang it on a door, a closet, or even the fridge for quick, handy note-writing.

Both the shape and color of the frame are fantastic...plus, the chalkboard is magnetic.
Memo Board, from Shabby Vintage Mom.

These are absolutely brilliant! Perfect for any occasion, and reusable!
Mini Chalkboard Tags, from Olive Rue.

OK...I promise, I'll give the chalkboards a rest for a minute. But I hope you had as much fun with this stuff as I did. I can just hear those little creative wheels turning in my head. Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Getting Crafty with Chalkboards

I'm sure the merits of chalkboard paint have been discussed broadly here in blogworld. But really, who doesn't love the idea of a chalkboard wall, or table, or door? I, for one, am a major chalkboard geek...but it's time to think a little more off-the-wall, with your chalkboards. Here are a bunch of great, easy summer craft ideas. Just grab yourself a bucket of chalkboard paint, and get started!

Chalkboard candles can hold messages ranging from functional to romantic...just imagine the possibilities.
{image via staged4more}

On my next outing to the flea market, I'll be looking for cute vintage bake ware and plates that I can spiff up into little mini chalkboards.

What to with one lonely, yellow plate? Turn it into a hanging chalkboard, of course!
Or just buy this one from etsy seller littlepaperhome.

These napkin rings double as place cards, too!
Make some for yourself, or buy them from the etsy shop 2hoots.

A chalkboard globe may just be the perfect addition to any teenage boy's room.
{Tutorial and photo via Make}

Happy Crafting!