
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Paper Flowers

You remember WAY back when I told you about Katherine's 52 smiles project?
I've been absolutely horrific at documenting our projects. But we've had so much fun thinking of ways to make people smile. We're sharing one of our favorites over on good tots today.



  1. Those flowers are lovely. Must make some with my little girl.

  2. Why do I never comment?! Because every time I open your blog I find something I love and I keep meaning to tell you! And congratulations on your newest little one, you make such a charming and lovely mom!

  3. ohhhhh my! I can't wait to see some of your favorites!!!! :):) I haven't been very good about documenting either-- BUT the main thing is that we are spreading joy and KINDNESS! Even if we don't have pictures, we always have the memories. :):):)
