
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Finally Fall

Our leaves finally fell off the trees. We've been waiting months for this moment.
Currently, I'm cooped up in the house with two croupy kids. I hope my remedy of plenty of hugs and popsicles, set to the tune of the humidifier works wonders for them.

On another note, for my birthday last month, I decided to start a 365 project. I wanted something that would push me creatively. I was hoping for a gentle nudge to expand my creativity; but what I got was a shove right out of my comfort zone. I felt creatively paralyzed for a while there. I think I've recovered, thanks to some sage advice from my friend Katherine. You can follow my project (and my uncomfortable attempt at photography) here.


  1. I LOVE THIS SHOT!!!!! LOVE IT! His expression, colors and tossed leaves... awesome! I think these are the kinds of photographs that will forever be treasures. :)

  2. Wow gorgeous picture. I have been wanting to start a 365 photo project myself... I just may join you

  3. nice photo
