
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Question

Is there anything prettier than fall?
Just a few fall images from around the web that make me love this time of year even more.

Photo Credits: Images 1, 2, 5; Image 3, Image 4

What's your favorite thing about fall? Mine is a three-way tie between sweaters, apple cider, and feeling the leaves crunch under my feet.


  1. It's snowing here in Denver! Bring on the cozy fire place. Love, Em

    You are almost 30 my friend....

  2. I'll list three things too. 1. The air. It's so refreshing after summer. 2. The end of daylight savings--I love the darker nights, early sun. 3. And Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday.

  3. Oh, these are so very pretty. And so not even close to the palm tree lined streets I look at everyday who never seem to get yellow or shed. Just dries up and bends down to the trunk. I realize my city is georgous but it looks the same all 4 season and I do like change.

  4. no, there is definitely not anything prettier than fall (except maybe the first snow falling).
    gorgeous photos.
