
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Birthday Recap

I've been kind of a lazy blogger this week. Maybe it's my old age catching up with me. Maybe it's this ridiculous cold I've had all week. Anyhow, I'm back.

My parents were kind enough to fly in to help me celebrate my 30th birthday. B surprised me with birthday donuts and roses, and tons of thoughtful birthday surprises, then sent me back to bed for a birthday nap. I was showered with love all day long via phone calls, texts, and birthday gifts left on my doorstep. And Little C started walking just in time for the big day. We had such fun watching her toddle back and forth between us.

My mom treated me to a gem & bead trade show, where we picked up the bits to make this necklace and a ton of other fun stuff. (That's a real aspen leaf, dipped in silver, btw). The mountains where I grew up have lots of aspen trees, so I really heart my new necklace.

After the trade show, the rest of the gang met up with us for dinner at my favorite Southern restaurant.
So that's that. I spent my 30th birthday feeling loved and spending time with people I love. What more could a girl wish for?


  1. Glad that you had a fantastic birthday! Please tell me that 30 isn't as bad as I think it will be!

  2. Happy Birthday! My thirtieth was so long ago but I still remember it with fond memories of going to Las Vegas with 5 of my best girlfriends. It was so much fun. And the year after my two friend turned thirty and we went to New Orleans that time. Somewhat of a perk of having kids late: Get to spend your b-days on girl trips!
    Love that necklace and the fact that it has sentimental value for you makes it all the more special.

  3. I'm so thrilled that your SPECIAL day was filled with fun, love and family... I wish you tons of JOY and HAPPINESS for YOUR NEXT 30!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Birthday! :)

  4. 30! Happy Birthday friend. Looks like you had a great time. Em
