
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Favorites from the Flea

I do love a good flea market. But nothing beats the Alameda Flea. Here are a few things that caught my eye:
A little old-school red, white and blue.

You know I'm a total sucker for great packaging.
And when I was growing up, the milk was delivered in glass bottles just like that.

Hudson grabbed one of the tennis racquets out of the pile. Of all things, it had an "H" faintly visible on the strings. For five bucks, how could I say no? I think I'm going to hang it on his wall. And the fan--I wish I would have snapped that one up. As I was walking down one of the rows I saw my hometown, "Richfield" written on an oil can. Of course I had to stop and snap a picture.

I love this cheerful, retro tea set.

Whenever I go flea market shopping, I always have a specific shopping list so I don't get distracted. This time my shopping list included: milk glass vases, picture frames, and plates (for a plate wall I've been meaning to start for ages). What I actually came home with: one tennis racquet, some old soda bottles, a vintage laundry detergent box, and a bag of kettle corn. So much for the list.


  1. Look at all those GOODIES!!! OH my. Our flea markets here don't have anything like all that.

  2. yeah, lists tend to go out the window at flea markets, don't they? in my area we actually still get those same glass bottle of milk. funny to think that they're at a flea market in other towns! glad you enjoyed your flea market trip!

  3. Awwww, I just love a good old school Raggedy Ann doll!

  4. oh wow raggedy annie and andy how cool!
    Love the orange retro cups sweet

  5. Haha, it's so true. My best intentions always get derailed by vintage books on Jello etc. Your fleamarket looks wonderful! And Hudson's tennis racket sounds like it will be so cute in his room!

    Hope you are doing well--miss you!

    xo Mary Jo
