
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Before & After

Here's a recent project. I took this pearl belt that I never wear (for obvious reasons), added some turquoise beads, more pearls and a handful of sparkly bits and turned it into this bracelet:

And just in case you're wondering where one gets such a thing as a pearl belt with a brooch closure: don't fret--I didn't pay actual money for it. It was a vendor sample when I worked in the accessory world. I've got several other jewelry rehab projects coming your way...I feel a blog series coming on. :)


  1. what a great job you did! I am a follower of your blog and would be honored if you would reciprocate.

  2. Wow. It's stunning. I love it. You did a fantastic job. I can't wait to see more!

  3. Wow, it looks great now. I would have never thought to do something like that.
