
Friday, August 20, 2010

Paperless Post

I'm interrupting my radio silence this week to introduce you to Paperless Post. Being that I make invitations for a living, I don't send all that many digital invitations. But I may have to make an exception to that rule. All I have to say is: step aside, Evite. It was too hard to pick my favorites, so I limited myself strictly to the fall category. Check it out:

Definitely the greatest thing I've seen all week. They're still in beta mode, so you'll feel extra-cool being one of the first with the inside scoop. Sign up free here.

Now get out there and have a fun weekend!


  1. have a great weekend
    Loving the last invite

  2. I recieved one of these for a baby shower and I thought it was wonderful. At the same time, I am sad that the idea of invites and cards in the mail may be a lost art someday... I wish the world would slow down sometimes. Em

  3. This is fantastic! Thank you so much... and I hope the link above gives you credit!
    I'm using this to get Thanksgiving invites out now... with (coordinating!) paper invites to follow. Gotta plan ahead for the out-of-towners!
