
Monday, August 30, 2010

Favorites at Home

If you didn't catch my home tour over on Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle, go here to check it out.

And now for a few details that make this house a home:

Penguin Classics: I got my degree in English, so books (especially pretty ones!) that I've read have a special place in my heart and on my mantle.
Vintage Bottle Collection: I recently started collecting vintage bottles and hobnail milk glass
Family Portrait: I gave this custom painting to B when he graduated from dental school, so we could remember the time we lived in the city.
The Elephant: B lived in Thailand for a couple years, and the Elephant followed him home.
Hudson's Family Portrait: I asked Hudson to draw our family to adorn our family room wall. If you can't tell, I'm the large, orange figure in the center of the picture. B is pictured in blue, H in green, and baby Charlotte is in hot pink.:)

Things that make our dining room special: 
Food: I love baking, and on the weekends you'll usually find some type of baked treat ready for eating. That is, if you're quick enough. ;)
Bowls: I'm a sucker for colorful dishes. And bowls are so practical; whether it's tomato soup, cold cereal or ice cream, a pretty bowl makes it taste that much better. 
Flowers: My favorite, easy centerpiece. Just a couple stems displayed in mismatched mason jars. Colorful, easy and inexpensive.

I just had to share this sweet little ballerina that sits on Charlotte's dresser. She's the same ballerina that sat on my dresser as a child. Love that I could pass on something to her from my childhood.

Hudson insisted on having a line where he could hang all of his projects. I wasn't crazy about it at first, but I love it. The cute puppets are from a little project set by Alex. His gallery wall is still in progress; but I used these inexpensive frames from Ikea that have plexiglass instead of real glass. That way, shattered glass is the least of my worries when the baseballs are a flyin'.

Thanks for spending some time at home with us today.
Please come visit any time.


  1. Your place is adorable; I LOVE both clocks. Although I've never met him, Hudson's pretty awesome :)

  2. Such great taste! I love the bright colors, it looks inviting and happy. Em

  3. Christina, your house looks so cute and adorable! I can't believe how big Hudson is!! Hope you're having a great week!

    p.s. You will look great in anything you pick up for fall!

    xo Mary Jo

  4. whoooo hoooo... I have been waiting for this post! It's so fun to peek into your BEAUTIFUL, CREATIVE, LOVING, GORGEOUS home. :):)
