
Monday, June 21, 2010

Baby Shower Details

Recently, the pink + yellow baby shower I threw for my friend Ashley has been featured on several blogs. {Thank you all for your kind words!} And I've received a number of questions about I figured an all-encompassing blog post is in order.

The Wall:
I had this genius (at the time) idea of creating a lightweight, fake wall that I could hang on my wall with adhesive. (Adhesive = no wall damage). My plan involved six sheets of foam board, tape, glue, lots of cursing, and paintable bead board wallpaper. I took a fabric swatch from the table cloth and had paint dyed to match. It would have been the perfect plan. Except that when I went into the garage to inspect my wall, the drying wallpaper paste had warped the foam boards into a perfect half pipe. Too bad it wasn't a skater-themed baby shower. All in all, it was a huge nightmare. I should have just sucked it up, rented a truck and bought a real piece of bead board. Lesson learned: do NOT try to construct a wall out of paper. Duh.

The Food:
Cupcakes from Sibby's Cupcakery
I posted the popcorn recipe way back here.
Marshmallow Pops: instructions here.
My amazing friend, Jen, baked and decorated all the sugar cookies...aren't they darling?
Candy: bought here, here, and here.
All the labels (popcorn, candy bars, water bottles) I just did on my computer and printed off. {The beauty of custom-labeled items, is that it can be done way in advance; and the tiniest details are often the most noticed.}

Serving Pieces:
Most of my serving pieces have come from Crate & Barrel over the years. Some of them (like the beverage jar) are still available.

I think that's it...if you have a burning desire to know something I left out, just let me know.
I hope you all had a super-duper Father's day. What was 72-hours ago my spotless kitchen now looks like war zone. I think that means it was a success.

1 comment:

  1. LOL about the wall.
    It was a pretty theme... love love those paper flowers evertime Isee them I think i need to make me some of those flowers... so here I go again. This time I think I will :)
    have a great week
