
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Closet Makeover

Several days ago, I was the lucky recipient of a closet makeover. Hudson-style.
I guess that's what I get for trying to take a shower.

But really, what mom wouldn't love a dirty old boot brimming with jewelry?
Sparkly and fragrant.

Or a tossed shoe salad?

After all that hard work, Hudson needed a rest, so he fashioned a cot out of my shoe rack:
Now here's the best part: one lucky reader will win a similar closet makeover. Just leave your comment here, and I'll send Mr. H over to work his magic. Just kidding...I wouldn't do that to you. (Or would I???)

But if you're in the neighborhood, stop by the CVMC Pamper Night event where I'll be peddling my wares tonight.


  1. This cracks me up. I don't need to borrow H though... I've got my own closet organizer. He has such great timing too. He usually strikes just after I've done my own *actual* closet spruce up. Little stinkers!

  2. Hudson come on over, but bring your Mother with you. Em

  3. This is SOOO funny! I am not sure if I would have giggled or be as mad as the mad hatter. LOL
    Love the repurposing of the boots a whole lot.

  4. Gayle, the grossest part of the whole boot thing is that I've had those since I was pregnant with him! So those things have been around the block a few times. Literally.

  5. tehehehe... that is so stinkin funny!

  6. This is hysterical. That cutie is welcome anytime - although maybe not in my closet! :)
