
Friday, April 16, 2010

Where Does the Time Go?

My baby is getting teeth. And she's trying to crawl. Really.
It feels like it was just yesterday I was complaining that my pregnancy was overdue.
All those little ol' ladies in the grocery store are right. They always stop me and tell me to enjoy Baby C because it goes so fast. I knew they were right all along. And I have been enjoying her. Too much, sometimes. I think her cheeks must hurt from how much I kiss them. But I want to freeze time for just a bit so I can kiss her soft, chubby cheeks a while longer.

I must apologize (again) that my blog sucks. A lot. At least I'm aware of the problem, huh? But if you're reading this, thanks for sticking in there with me. Life is hectic; as it always is. I keep thinking things will slow down soon. But they won't, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Lately, I've really been loving my loved ones. We've had the uncommon chance to spend time together. Time doing ordinary things: planting trees, shopping, playing baseball, trying new restaurants. This is my bliss. I hope you do something you enjoy this weekend. Because it really does go too fast.

And if you're not sick of me yet, hop on over to Off Switch, where I'm saying nice things about myself.


  1. oh. my. goodness. LOOK at HER!!!!!!!!!! I want to gobble her cuteness up. Seriously, this is my favorite baby stage. Those cheeks-- that smile--- :):):) She is looking more and more like big bro everytime I see her! AND please, your blog doesn't suck... I think the glory of blogging is WE blog when our heart calls to do so... once a week, once a month--- everyday (although that's never happened to me)... but letting your BLISS shine through whenever is a TERRIFIC thing! xoxoxoxoxox K

  2. Babies are the best! I agree they do grow way too fast!

    Too sweet and even though I am new to it...I think you have alovely blog keep on keeping on because things never get any less hectic especially with a young baby tending to!

  3. Your blog does not stink and oh my goodness your daughter is a doll! Those cheeks and that smile just melt my heart! Have a great weekend with your family.
