
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Two New Friends and a New Hater

I hope you had a Happy Easter.
Sorry for my absence yesterday. I was enjoying the aftermath of both Easter and a craft show.

The show was great. I sat between the two nicest (and incredibly talented) girls. Check out their work.

Kendra Renee: Kendra's jewelry is breathtaking. It's on my list of "Things I MUST Have when I Have More Money." Kendra makes every single piece of jewelry from flat sheets of sterling silver and sterling silver wire. Pretty awesome.

Crooked Sister: As soon as everyone's tables were set up, this one first caught my eye. She's got such a great variety of items; but everything is so cohesive. Her embroidery skills make me blind with envy. But I did score a cute leather hair clip that I've worn every day since.

Truth be told, I'm terrified of craft shows. I'm so much more comfortable with the anonymity of the internet, hiding safely within the walls of my little etsy shop. As soon as I have to get out there in person, I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. (And truth be told, I don't have a clue what I'm doing). Everybody's setting up their tables and displaying their wares with such ease and grace. And every time I set up, I'm thinking, "Geez. What did I get myself into?"

But despite the misgivings in myself when I step outside of my comfort zone, everything went pretty well. I made some lovely new friends, saw some wonderful talent, and sold a few things in the process. Baby C was a trooper. She made it through the entire six hour event without so much as a screech.

Funny little side note: at two of the three live events I've done I've found someone who outspokenly dislikes me and my work. It's pretty funny. One day, if you ever hear that someone singlehandedly destroyed the entire world of craft, it was probably me.


  1. oh, phooey on them! you work hard at what you do, it's so pretty, and you are creative and talented. so, phooey on them.

    oh, and i'm glad you had a happy easter and made some new friends - their work is very pretty! :)

  2. What? Why would anyone be a hater of sweet Christina? That makes no sense. I love your stuff-don't let anyone get you down girl!

    Congrats on surviving the craft shows! I am like you and would feel so clueless and shy at one of those things. Love the "safety" of the internet!
