
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Table Settings

One part of entertaining that I'm horrible at is table setting. By the time I've planned everything and done all the cooking, I run out of steam (and money) to make the table look exceptional. Here are two of my favorite easy and affordable springtime table setting ideas:

No need to go all-out with a huge bouquet. Just use small vases and separate the flowers into lots of tiny arrangements. Then your guests aren't constantly craning their necks around a monstrous arrangement to see the guest across the table. And do I see white rocks scattered about the table? Grab a can of spray paint and get to it.

I love the look of mismatched china and linens.

And for you practiced table setting veterans:

I know we've all seen this image dozens of times. But it always takes my breath away. So bold and dramatic.

Here's to a fun spring filled with lots of beautiful tables.

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