
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Where I've Been

Have I given up blogging? I'm not gonna lie, I've considered throwing in the towel. But I think I'll stick around a while longer. I'm happy to report that we made it through our move unscathed. Here's a look at what I've been doing:

When we weren't packing boxes, we were cheering at little league games, hosting water balloon fights and spending every last second with our good friends. Oh, and we threw in some swimming lessons to keep things interesting.

The last week of June brought B's official graduation, where all five of us were invited up to accept his diploma. Our moving truck arrived and the chaos ensued. We had a lot of very unglamorous moments, but the kids enjoyed our cardboard box picnics and our campouts on the floor. We took a week off and enjoyed the 4th with family in Utah...then we drove and drove until we reached our new home.

We had some incredible help (Thanks, Dad and Mom!). The move really couldn't have gone any smoother. After the dust settled and B started his new job, the kids and I set to work unpacking. We had to take frequent breaks, though, so we started exploring our new town.

So far, we all really like it here. We've been to the rodeo (twice!) And all the people we've met are genuinely so kind and helpful. Our neighbors started coming over to introduce themselves within minutes of us pulling up out front. I've never seen anything like it. 

 We also hit up the carnival, the children's garden, made our first batch of cookies in our new kitchen. And Mr. Nolan turned 6 months. We also snuck in three trips to Utah in the last two months.

It's been a fast, crazy whirlwind of a summer. But it feels like the calm is setting in. I miss my friends dearly (sniff, sniff) and I know the kids miss their friends. But it's nice to be on this end of the move rather than all the planning and stressing I've been doing for almost a year now. And it's great to be back here on the ol' blog. I've missed you.



  1. Newest follower! xx

  2. What an adventure! Your new town looks a lot of fun. Looking forward to reading more of the stories. Love, Wen
