
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Obsessed: Julep

I'm officially obsessed with Julep. I definitely haven't been this excited about nail polish since the seventh grade. That year it was my "thing." I had a signature "thing" every year through middle school. One year it was statement necklaces. Another year it was colorful shoes. And seventh grade was all about nail color.

A couple months back, I discovered the Julep Maven Program. They send you a box with two polishes and other fun products every month. You can use the promo code SHAREONMAY and get your first box for just one penny. Serious. The first time that sleek black box landed in my mailbox my heart skipped a beat. And I've been back on the nail polish bandwagon ever since.

I don't get out much, so twenty bucks a month is a pretty great way to treat myself. Nail polish is cheaper than a babysitter, and more low-calorie than the ice cream. How do I find the time to paint my nails? Well, I'm blessed with this baby who can't sleep unless he's ON me. So I slap a quick coat of polish on while he's snoozing in my arms. Not ideal, but it works.

Oh, and if you ever want to send your monthly box to a friend, you can do that, too. Like, say, your little sister's FIRST twenty-ninth birthday is coming up and you want to send her something cool, but you're in the middle of packing up your house and don't have time to go shopping. You can divert your shipment to her house with a gift message tucked neatly inside. She's happy, you're happy. Two birds with one stone.

What are you still doing here? Get over there now and get your Maven box on its way.


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