
Monday, August 8, 2011


I attended the San Francisco International Gift Fair over the weekend. Not only was it a wonderful day out of the house without kids (my first in nine months!) but I came away so inspired and having found so many great brands and products.

I think my very favorite company at the fair was Denmark-based Maileg. All of their items are sweet and simple with a really classic and homemade feel. I imagine these toys being loved and passed down in families for generations. You can check out their website to find retailers that carry the items I've shown here:

Wooden box with rattles 

clown, small, stripe

Brother & Sister Mouse
Cakes in a box

Ribbon Box, Blue

Ribbon Box

My Buttons Box
If I could create my dream playroom for the kids, this would be right where I would start. I love it all.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!



  1. I love that all of your items spark kids imagination. Today too many kids can't pretend. Parents give technology to them way to often and don't interact with their kids.I remember when we used to have to sit in the doctor's office and read books or actually talk to my mom. Puppets, play food, and imagination - more, more, more!

  2. oh my! little slices of heaven. SO thrilled that you had a bit of time off to relax and enjoy... YOU deserve that AT LEAST once a week!!!!

  3. I adore the cakes in the box. Such a cute site.
