
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The First Day

I meant to post these pictures yesterday, but we were kind of caught up in the first day of school excitement.
The new morning schedule is going to be a bit of an adjustment. But I think we all handled it quite well yesterday.

Hudson picked out his first day of school outfit--his favorite color, red, won out. As an added bonus, the shirt has a skull on it, so the other kids know not to mess with him. ;)

He practically ran all the way from the car to the classroom. His excitement helped me hold it together. And I'm proud to say that I didn't cry once. Which is nothing short of a miracle. You see Charlotte in the middle of everything? She had to take her backpack, too, of course.

And I just like this one because you can see his missing tooth. Hope you're all having a great back-to-school season.



  1. We had a first day of kindergarten over here too - had to laugh b/c my Caroline carried a backpack just like Charlotte, wrote about it here:

  2. what a cutie! My daughter wore her backpack to walk my son to the bus every morning last year. I know how it goes! Too cute though!

  3. I hope he has the most marvelous year!!!!
