
Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Trouble with Vacations

The trouble with vacations is there's a whole lot to do when you get back.
This photo of my kids waiting for the parade to start accurately illustrates my attitude about the tasks at hand today.

Definitely stop in tomorrow for the best giveaway ever. Seriously. You're not going to want to miss this one! And hopefully by tomorrow I'm not buried under a mound of laundry.


  1. Love the picture! I love laundry so coming back from a trip is great but I hate cleaning under the table - I'm thinking about getting a dog to make it easier :)

  2. Charlotte looks sooo grown up in this picture!

  3. Okay, seriously, this is absolutely the best picture ever. I love everything about this photo. Cracks me up!

  4. Very tender photo!... What spectacular expressions they have these two children!.

    For them waiting is something serious.... Good weekend.

    From Argentina Natalia
