
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Family Adventure: Birdwatching

The last couple weeks, we've started a birdwatching project. Sometimes we'll set up a blanket on the grass and see who pops into our yard for a visit. Other times, we stealthily take photos through our open kitchen window. Then we look up the birds on and learn about them. 

We set up a feeder in our huge pine tree. It took about a week for the birds to find it, but they love it. And the kids love watching them. My post over at good tots today is all about birdwatching. Go check it out. And download my free field journal to keep track of your findings:

Here's a page from Hudson's field journal. (I had to type in the text he wrote, because it didn't show up very well; but the coloring is his. :)

In other bird-related news, our baby birds hatched this week:

Doesn't their fluffy, fuzzy hair remind you of someone else we know?

1 comment:

  1. Those baby birds are gross, sorry nature! But Charlotte is adorable.
